I went to spend few days included New Years Eve to Tahoe for snowboarding for the first (but not last) time in this season. Beautiful wather, lines were short, but passes really expensive- mine was 400 $ that I would never pay by myself, luckly I got it as a present. I didn't go to all of the lifts avaliable there (not enough snow) so I can't tell if they are worth 400 $. Luckly, the season lasts till April, so I will have a chance to check it out. The weirdest thing about skiining in Homewood- lifts don't close, you just sit there with no protection in fron of you. I was terrified. But that's not enought- you don't have anything below to put your feet and ski/ snowboard. That sucks, especially when your legs are tired after fast ride and your only wish is to let your legs rest (and drink hot wine as well in the bar next to the lift)…
Wjechawszy na górę, taki oto widok spotyka narciarzy. Zdjęcia i tak nie oddają piękna. Jezioro jest wielgaśne, jego obwód to 120 km (nie wiem co to obwód, ale to chyba to). W każdym razie jak ktoś chce jechać w koło jeziora to ma do pokonania 120 km.
Breathtaking view with a lake that shore lenght is 120 km.
Na sankach też byłam- rozwaliłam je po 15 minutach na kamieniu, haha
I broke the sledge on a rock after 15 min..
Oprócz nart/ deski, można iść na długaśny spacer albo pobiegać na biegówkach (będę się uczyć następnym razem)- za domem mam szlak biathlonowy z zimowych igrzysk olimpijskich, które odbywały się tu w 1960 roku. Imponujące.
Besides skiing/ snowboarding, you can go for a long walks in a woods or cross country (which I will learn to do next time)- behind the house we have path that was used in 1960 during winter Olimpic Games for biathlon. Quite impressive.
Przeszłam czerwony szlak (najdłuższy, hoho), który liczy 5,4 km, ale z dojściem do niego i do domu wyszło jakieś 6 km. Całkiem niezłe rozpoczęcie nowego roku 1 stycznia!
I walked the red one (the longest, huhu) that is 5,4 km, but adding the walk to that place and back home it was around 6 km. Nice 1st of January!
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